Fiddle And The Drum

Табулатура в формате Guitar Pro , содержащая следующие дорожки:

High part
Choir Aahs
Low part
Choir Aahs


And so once a-gain My dear John-ny my dear friend And so once a-gain- you are figh-ting us all And when I ask you why You raise your sticks and cry, and I fall Oh, my friend How did you come To trade the fidd-le for the drum You say I have turned Like the en-em-ies you've earned But I can rem-em-ber All the good things you are And so I ask you please Can I help you find the peace and the star Oh, my friend What time is this To trade the hand-shake for the fist And so once a-gain- Oh, Am-er-i-ca my friend And so once a-gain- You are fight-ing us all And when we ask you why You raise your sticks and cry and we fall Oh, my friend How did you come To trade the fidd-le for the drum You say we have turned Like the en-em-ies you've earned But we can re-mem-ber All the good things you are And so we ask you please Can we help you find the peace and the star Oh my friend We have all come To fear the beat-ing of your drum